Our concert projects and our organization are open to everyone who wishes to join or support us. There are various ways you can do this:
Newsletter subscriptions
Apart from our next concert project you can stay in touch with us regarding future events. Our organization is not restricted by any one ideology and our music is
not just bound to classical western works. There is always something new-
You can subscribe to the newsletter by sending us a message with the topic NEWSLETTER
Your data will be kept confidential and you can unsubscribe any time.
Become a member of our non profit organization! Your yearly membership fee will support us in our work and will help form a foundation on which we can build further
projects. Below you will find the application form which you send us by email.
"Music for peace and mutual understanding e.v" is financed solely by its members and benevolent supporters.
Renting locations for rehearsals, performances, sound and lighting installation, choir staging, instruments, music stands, flyers and posters….we would
greatly appreciate your donations to help pay for all this. We can issue you with an official “charitable donation certificate”.
Bank account for your donation:
Musik für Frieden und Völkerverständigung e.V.
GLS Bank BIC: GENODEM1GLS IBAN: DE04 4306 0967 7045 6716 00